Meet Your SA SRC Representatives: Chelsea Adams

Get to know your 2023 SA SRC Representatives in this series!

What school project/campaign group are you in? What’s your group working on at the moment?

Initially, I was in lots but right now I am in the Free Fares for our Future campaign. We are working to garner signatures on our petition to take to the Minister for Public Transport which is really exciting. Personally, I’ve been helping with various media appearances including one for ABC radio which was really cool. Outside of this campaign I am helping to co-design an emergency preparedness DukeOfEd program with the Red Cross!

What was your favourite thing about SA SRC Summit?

Having been to two my personal favourite thing about both of them is networking with both political members in my area and fellow passionate young people, many of which I am still friends with today! The dance circle inf this year's summit was also fun too.

Share something interesting you’ve learnt in an SA SRC workshop.

The most interesting workshop through SRC was a storytelling one hosted by NIYEC. It was really interesting to express our own stories and learn about others. Most importantly this workshop inspired me to use personal stories in my advocacy both at school and through the SRC.

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

I am definitely a cat person! (I’m writing this with my cat on my lap so I might be slightly biased).

What’s your favourite place to visit or activity to do in SA?

Honestly, my favourite thing to do in SA is to go out and try new foods with friends. I don’t do it often but when I do I always get so excited finding the coolest new restaurants to try. It is also a great excuse to catch up with people that I haven’t seen in a long time. A favourite place… probably Blackerby’s candy store in Rundle Mall.

What’s the best concert or gig you’ve been to?

My first concert was Sir Elton John in Adelaide right before COVID hit. It was really fun because we somehow ended up with prime seats even though my Mum and I only decided to go the night before! His music is really good at making you get up and dance.


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